Monday, May 9, 2016

Where do I see myself in five years? Collage

Most of the elements I put into this were just speculation, but one of them was a joke. I expect to have a job in ten years. I also expect to have some form of my own family, whether girlfriend or even children. A stable living space is plausible but I may or may not even have a house. I also expect to have a mode of transporation, preferably car.

Food photography and reflection

The top photo was arranged in an interesting way because the lighting was angled so that it didn't overwhelm the photo, with garnishes and the steak cut so it looked more appetizing.

I learned a lot of things from the linked articles on food photography. One of these things were that there are three types of food photography, Packaging, Advertising, and Editorial. The work is created not by an individual, but by a team. I learned that good composition is easy to spot, because you 'know it when you see it.' I also learned that not having good propping or having the right prop can mean the difference between success and failure. Another recommended thing to do is to re-plate the photo, as meat will mar the surface with juices, and cheese will harden and look unappetizing. Using an abundance of natural light, such as sunlight, is highly recommended, as it makes everything look 'better.'  Using a shallow depth of field can create interest in drama. Most forms of food photography depends on the preference of the team or the individual photgrapher.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Senior photos

I don't have a lot of pictures to post about senior year- actually, I don't have any at all, so I'll just post one that I did in this class. And since I'm not actually in class, I'll speak about my entire experience in high school as a double-whammy.
I chose this photo for many reasons, specifically because it's one of the only photos I have of my Senior year of high school. But this photo showed me that if I put my mind to something, I could create something new and/or great out of it, and improve upon it. The only person in this photo is me. Because throughout my high school years, ego completely aside, it was only me. I had nobody through my Freshman to Senior year, and it was as if all I needed to survive high school was, in reality, myself. I wish I could give a fairytale story on why high school was so amazing for me, and that I wish I could go back, but it was the exact opposite for me. I made friends that weren't really my friends; I thought people were my friends, when in reality they weren't. They never were. Many times I thought I was not going to make it through, but I did anyways. And I didn't ask for attention by cutting myself either, I was always there, a silent observer, waiting for my chance. I never put myself out there, because I was too afraid that somebody would hurt me. The hearts of teenage kids are so confused and so unstable that they tend to not care who they hurt or don't realize it when they do. Either way, I'd be glad if I never went back to high school, but I did end up meeting some amazing people. Like Ms. Baron and Mrs. Capshaw. Ms. Baron was obviously occasionally frustrated with the class but she never said anything, she always just let everything slide because it's not that she didn't care, she just didn't see the need to get everybody in trouble for something stupid. She always knew what was enough, and when was the time to put her foot down. All in all, she's probably going to end up having a successful career.
At this point I'm just rambling, but I think I've made my point; school sucks, teachers don't, teenagers do.

Another Student

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

teacher reflection

I chose Mrs. Capshaw because she's been my teacher and case manager for the past two years now. She has always known what's best for me in terms of my interests, grades, and class placement. Time and time again in my English classes she has saved me from failing and given more patience than teachers usually do.

Aside from that, Mrs. Capshaw has a witty and down-to-earth personality. Often times she can relate with students with music, TV shows, movies, and even video games sometimes. Her attitude is often on the upside even despite either being sick or just having a bad day. All-in-all Mrs. Capshaw is a good teacher because of her level of patience with students. Her tolerance for students is often high with grades and class placements.

Friday, February 5, 2016

a stick (narrative)

story sharing

Israel 15/16 by Thomas Flensted is good because it addresses the troubles going on in the Middle East and Israel especially. The story was made successful because of what it addressed.

Eurotrip 2015 by Thomas Flensted Is an interesting photo set because it has many unique photo's of Europe and France, not just of it's landscape and architecture, but its people.

Story ideas:
a story involving my dog
a story involving a stick
a story involving my family

10 tips to becoming a photographer questions

1.)  What are the ten tips to become a better photographer?
Focus on learning first
Shoot during golden hour
Use ugly things as subjects
Deliberately limit yourself
Take an art class
Use a traditional film camera
Study the works of other photographers
Move your own positions as you shoot
Experiment with new techniques
Don't be quick to delete photo's you may not like
2.)  Which tips do you feel are most beneficial to you and why?
Experiment with new techniques, because I often limit myself to one technique because of fear of messing up.
3.)  Are there some tips you do not agree with?  Which ones and why?

Use ugly things as subjects, shoot during golden hour.
Both of these are limitations to what you can and can't do, photography needs to be about free expression, not expressing what others want you to express.
4.)  Is there a tip not in this article you heard about photography that helped you?

No, these are the only tips I've gotten so far.