Monday, December 14, 2015

Digital Photo I Final Exam Study Guide

Art Elements & Photo
Choose one of the following words that answers the questions below. Each word may only be used once.

Leading lines               Texture            Image Sensor              Arrangement

Cell Phone                   Square                         Point and Shoot             Focal Point            SLR

1. A popular and quick way to take photos today is by using:Cell Phone

2. Which type of camera allows you to interchange multiple lenses? SLR

3. Which type of camera is small, lightweight, and can be easily transported? Point and shoot

4. The camera’s lens sole purpose is to collect light rays coming from a scene in front of the camera and project them as images onto either a piece of film, or an image sensor

5. Composition is the _______arrangement_________ of elements and principles of design in a photographer’s work.

6. Element of art that refers to the areas around, between, above, below, or within objects is _______focal point___________.

7. Which compositional guideline uses a line to lead your eye to the subject of the photograph?_________leading lines___________________

Camera Care 
Multiple Choice.

1. To avoid damage to your camera, they should always be stored

a) In a cool, dry place away from windows, furnaces, and damp basements.

b) In a safe contained area like a chest or car trunk.

c) Any place that does not have moisture.

d) Anywhere as long as you have it in its case with the lens cap on.

2. If your camera is not functioning properly you should

a) Push as many buttons as possible until it works.

b) Attempt to repair it yourself by opening the camera’s casing.

c) Check the cameras manual for trouble shooting tips

d) Immediately bring it in to a repair person.

3. Keeping your camera and it’s lens clean is important for which of the following reasons:

a) Dust particles can show up as dots or orbs on your photos.

b) It improves the quality of your photos

c) Keeps your camera looking shiny and new

d) All of the above

4. The following are acceptable objects to use when cleaning your camera’s lens

a) Canned air

b) clean wet paper towel

c) a soft lint free cloth

d) all of the above
5. To increase the life of your camera’s batteries you should do the following:

a) keep batteries on the charger over night, or whenever the camera is not in use-the longer you charge them the longer they will last

b) charge them when the battery is close to life, and remove battery as soon as charge is complete.

c) Remove the batteries from the camera when camera will be stored for long periods of time.

d) Both b and c

Photoshop Tools/Techniques
Short answer and multiple choice.

1. This technique removes color from and image, converting it to grayscale, but allows the image to remain in RGB:

a. Desaturate

b. black and white adjustment layer

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

2. Control Z is the keyboard short cut to

a. Undo

b. Desaturate

c. deselect

d. increase brush size

3. Using _______________________ is one way to adjust the tonal range in your image.

a. Levels

b. brightness/contrast

c. curves 

d. all the above

4. Which selection tool selects areas according to freeform shapes?

a. lasso

b. magic wand

c. eye dropper

d. rectangular marquee

5. Hue/Saturation allows you to:

a. alter the contrast of an image

b. alter the values of an image

c. alter the intensity and color of an image

d. alter the size of an image

6. Control-T is the keyboard shortcut to:

a. Free Transform

b. Paste

c. Transfer

d. Undo

7. To post your projects on your blog, what file type do you need to save your Photoshop project as?

a. .PDF

b. .JPG

c. .GIF

d. .PSD

8. The quick mask is another tool you can use to

a. move an object

b. paint an area

c. make a selection

d. clone an area 

9. By Isolating a color (or utilizing the splash color technique) in a photograph you are using the principle _______________ to direct the viewer to your subject

a. emphasis 

b. pattern

c. balance

d. contrast

10. The crop tool allows you to:

e. resize an image with forced dimensions

f. remove unwanted portions of an image

g. improve the composition of an image and change the focal point 

h. all of the above 

11. The healing brush is different than the clone stamp in that it

a. Heals any mistakes that you’ve made with your camera

b. Takes into account the surrounding pixel colors and attempts to match it

c. It duplicates exactly the selected area.

d. None of the above

12. The magic wand is a selection tool that makes selections based on

a. Like colors

b. Straight lines

c. Contrast

d. Geometric shapes

13. The blending options pallet allows you to

a. make adjustments to whatever layer you are currently working on

b. add adjustment layers

c. choose from a very large pallet of colors

d. none of the above


Write True (T) or False (F) next to each statement.

1. ___F_ When you critique art, you follow five steps.

2. __T__ During a critique, you should NOT bash or be rude to other photographers.

3. __T__When you interpret artwork, you talk about what you think the artist’s goal was.

4. __T__ Critique is an evaluation of art and is meant to improve artwork by discussion.

5. __F_ Step three is when you analyze the photo.

6. __T__ The critique steps are Describe, Analyze, Interpret, and Evaluation.

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